Diving in the Canary Islands is an incredible experience.
Learn to dive with Buceo Norte Gran Canaria, specialists in doing so easy and fun.
Live the adventure of Diving in Gran Canaria
Get started today!
online diving course
without rushing, you set the pace
(+3,200 certified students)
This is how we dive
#Conscious Diving
Dive with Buceo Norte Gran Canaria, discover the beauty hidden beneath the surface and fully enjoy a wonderful world.

With the Guarantee of the International Diving School
North Diving was the first center diving that have the certification Diamond from the International Diving School in Gran Canaria.
It is also the first and only centre in Gran Canaria that has an instructor of instructors.
For over 45 years, SSI provides training and certifications for divers, diving instructors, diving centers and resorts worldwide.