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Diving in the Canary Islands has its rewards
3 July 2020

Diving in the Canary Islands has its rewards

Get a €50 or €70 voucher for registering your dives with Buceo Norte Gran Canaria The International Diving School (SSI) is launching the "The Future Starts Today" campaign, which consists of rewarding divers who register their diving dives in the MySSI mobile application linked to the SSI…
diving in gran canaria
8 May 2020

What is an interpreted dive?

Differences between a normal dive and an interpreted dive To explain this, we will use a comparison that, although it may seem strange at first, will certainly clarify the meaning of this new way of diving. We are sure that you will not want to dive any other way. Well, we will start by talking about…
the best diving guide
30 April 2020

How to identify a good diving guide

We all know that diving requires a great deal of organisation and planning. In fact, the time it takes to prepare the equipment, get it ready, organise it and plan a dive usually exceeds the time spent at the bottom, but it is so worth it that no diver ever sees it…
16 April 2020

How to have a digital diving divelog

Memories of old diving logbooks When we started diving, digital versions of divelogs had not yet been developed, but filling out our dives on paper was also part of the diving we had just done and we loved it, because it was like extending the dive a little bit more…