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Diving spot cavern cruentatus gran canaria id

Cruentatus Cave Gran Canaria

Information about the Caverna Cruentatus dive site

We tell you the best diving spots in Gran Canaria


Required level to dive in the Cruentatus Cave in Gran Canaria

Diving suitable for advanced divers.


Access to the diving spot of the Cruentatus Cave

Infantry diving from a rocky area

Entry suitable for advanced divers with experience in infantry diving and only on days when environmental conditions permit.

Entry at full tide: By the small natural pool in front of the parking lot: entry point

Entry at low tide: From the parking lot follow the coastline to the left until you pass a small ledge: entry point


Profile from the Caverna Cruentatus dive

Diving with a depth maximum of 18 meters lasting about 60 minutes. The dive takes place in a cavern.

Mandatory use of cable cutters or knives: In this area, non-professional fishing with a “gun-forbidden” rod is permitted, so it is necessary to have a line cutter in case of accidental entanglement with a fishing line.


What to see during the Cruentatus Cave dive of marine life?

The star of this dive is undoubtedly the cavern that gives it its name.

This cavern deserves a dive in itself for several reasons:

Marine life, as the name suggests This cave is full of “Catalufas” Cruentatus which with its size and bright red color will contrast with the blue that will predominate if we look from inside the cave towards the exit. Another very characteristic species is the giant anemone, we can find two large specimens with a multitude of crustaceans guarding them like the spider crab, the boxer shrimp, the scarlet lady,….

Other factors of enjoyment in the cave will be the fantastic backlighting combined with marine life and the “allocline” produced by the contact of fresh water with salt water.

We cannot fail to mention that The cave is located in the center of a canyon with a large school of grunts and multiple species.

Another very characteristic species of this dive is the Palitoa Canriensis, this coral forms a colony in which a cleaning station has been created.

Map and diving spots in La Caleta

Our video Cruentatus Cave Diving

Because a picture is worth a thousand words on many occasions, we leave you with a Video of this dive in the Cruentatus Cave in Gran Canaria so cool and fun.

And a little further down, the Photo gallery complete so that you can see in detail everything you can find when diving with us in Gran Canaria.
