Information about the diving spot La Cueva Grade
We tell you the best diving spots in Gran Canaria

Required level to dive in the Cueva Grande of Gran Canaria
Diving suitable for advanced divers with experience in infantry dives.

Access to the diving spot La Cueva Grande
As this is a ZEC area (special conservation area) and there is no paved road, it is necessary to have the relevant permit to be able to travel along the road that leads to the car park.
Failure to do so may result in a fine for violating the rule.

Profile from the dive La Cueva Grande
Diving with a depth maximum of 23 meters lasting about 60 minutes. The current can be a determining factor and the route will vary depending on it.
There is a section of the dive that is done indoors, so it is important to have good buoyancy and efficient finning.
The entry and exit are the most demanding points of the dive, so it is essential to enter and exit exactly where planned.
Mandatory use of buoy: It is mandatory to enter and exit at the designated entrance to avoid possible problems with motor vehicles and in the event of having to make an emergency ascent in another place, always throw a signaling buoy before ascending to the surface.
Mandatory use of cable cutters or knives: In this area, non-professional fishing with a “gun-forbidden” rod is permitted, so it is necessary to have a line cutter in case of accidental entanglement with a fishing line.

What to see during the dive in La Cueva Grande of marine life?
This is a dive in which Backlighting takes on great importanceAlthough the name of the dive is La Cueva Grande, which we will visit in its entirety, we will actually also visit other caverns such as the Verrugatos Cave.
In the cave of the warts we can see a bright area in the deepest part, this is due to a hole in the upper part. This play of light is curious and very appreciated for taking underwater photos and videos.
Regarding the species that we can find, among many others, we will focus on those that are associated with cavernous areas, such as giant anemones, scarlet lady shrimp, moray eels, groupers, and many more.
Our video from the Big Cave diving
Because a picture is worth a thousand words on many occasions, we leave you with a Video of this dive in the Cueva Grande del Cabrón in Gran Canaria so cool and fun.
And a little further down, the Photo gallery complete so that you can see in detail everything you can find when diving with us in Gran Canaria.