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All diving or scuba diving lovers want to get back into the water as soon as possible. But with this coronavirus thing we don't know very well how it will affect our favorite activity. At Buceo Norte Gran Canaria we are immersed in the creation of a protocol that allows you to enjoy diving with all the health guarantees both in and out of the water.

We are currently in contact with different organizations and public bodies such as the Department of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, The Canary Islands Active Tourism Association either The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Spain to comply with all regulatory requirements regarding the development of our professional activity.

From what we have seen so far, there is not much scientific information on how Covid-19 affects certain environments.

Does the Covid-19 virus survive in the sea?

I think this is the first question that all divers ask themselves. Diving with Covid-19 requires increased awareness and it is normal to wonder if it is possible to get infected with coronavirus while diving.

From what we have been able to read, the virus can survive in saline waters although the probability of contagion in the sea would be very difficult. According to Sergi Maicas, professor of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Valencia, the probability of becoming infected would be very very low due to the dilution of the water.

Another very different thing is that we come into direct contact or proximity with someone who is carrying the virus while we are on the surface.

However, we insist on the little scientific information published on this subject and we always appeal to prevention.

Can we get infected if we share diving equipment?

As we already know, Covid-19 can be active for many hours on almost all types of surfaces. That is why we will insist over and over again on the need to maintain extreme personal hygiene.

We will always use barrier methods such as masks and gloves. The distance between people is key to prevent airborne transmission.

All of this naturally affects our diving equipment. That is why, and even though we were already making them before the existence of Covid-19, ALL the equipment in the centre goes through an exhaustive disinfection process.

According to the international organization DAN Europe (Divers Alert Network Europe), household cleaners are as effective against COVID-19 as they are against common viruses. However, we use an aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite, with application times of more than 15 minutes, ensuring that the solution reaches all corners and parts of the equipment by fully immersing the parts and then rinsing them with plenty of fresh water.

As an additional measure and to further increase safety, the regulators will be delivered without a mouthpiece and thus You will be able to use your own diving mouthpiece personal or purchase it directly at our center.

Diving Mouthpiece Offer

We continue working to return to the water safely

As we have already mentioned, we are carefully preparing a protocol that will be endorsed by official bodies and that we will provide to you as soon as we have it up and running.

But first, we'll leave you with some tips to take into account when diving with Covid-19, which we invite you to share.

Diving and Covid-19Keep your distance angel

The adult male angel shark (squatina squatina) reaches a length of 1.8 m.

diving with coronavirusEverything is fine without contact

We conscious divers are lucky enough to understand each other's diving signals, even out of the water.

Keep your hands clean

We # conscious divers love water, but now we have to use it with soap.

If you feel bad, you can't do this.

As always, if you feel sick, you can't dive. Stay home and watch a documentary.

diving with coronavirusNew element of your diving equipment, the mask

Conscious divers have a new diving item: the mask. It is essential in your surface equipment.

Use your own equipment, just for you

Buceo Norte's equipment is disinfected before and after use, but nothing is more comfortable and safe than your own diving equipment.


With all this and what we are preparing, diving with Covid-19 will be much safer.
