Human Team

Basic Apnea Instructor Trainer
Graduate in Biology
Specialist in zoology, animal behavior and ecology.
I was born in Madrid in 1985, but my father said that I was not from Madrid, but from Madrid. In fact, I think one of the first memories I have is of the green waters of Cala de la Zorra in Torrevieja, splashing euphorically to try to submerge myself, under the watchful but hidden gaze of my parents, with arm bands and a pink cork bubble tied to my back, not yet very skilled in the water, but fighting with titanic enthusiasm to manage to see what was hidden under the surface of the water. I was very small, but something already told me that the sea was for me, that I would surely find invaluable treasures there. And I was not mistaken. At that time, what I did not imagine was that this enthusiasm would grow to the point of becoming my great passion, motivation and struggle, that the happiest moments for me would occur under water and that the blue would become my way of life. For me it is a privilege to work sharing my knowledge and love for the sea and my goal when I accompany them into the water is to ensure that everyone can equally experience the immense happiness that this medium represents for me.

Diving equipment technician.
Underwater camera.
My relationship with the marine environment began when I was about 7 years old, when I was bought my first “snorkeling kit”. The first sight of the sea fascinated me so much that from then on the only thing I thought about was how to improve my skills and equipment to be able to stay underwater longer. This led me first to freediving, but soon I felt the need to retain images of the species I saw for longer in order to identify them later. That is how my career as a video diver began, but then what I began to miss again was being able to stay underwater longer to take better photos. This is how I discovered diving and a well-known phrase from the great Jacques Yves Cousteau began to define what was to come: “The sea once casts its spell on you, it traps you in its wonderful net for all eternity”. Since then I have not stopped training as a diving professional, since what I find most fulfilling is training new divers and proving that all my knowledge can help them learn to enjoy the underwater world, love it and respect it.