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Diving point the cave of the chuchos gran canaria id

The cave of the chuchos Gran Canaria

Information about the diving spot The Cave of the Chuchos

We tell you the best diving spots in Gran Canaria


Required level to dive in the Cave of the Chuchos of Gran Canaria

Diving suitable for advanced divers.


Access to the diving spot The Cave of the Chuchos

From a boat, the navigation takes about 10 minutes if the conditions are very good.

Going out from Taliarte With wind and swell, the outward journey is usually quite rough.

It is advisable to take precautions against seasickness if necessary.


Profile from the immersion in the Cave of the Chuchos

Diving with a depth maximum of 15 meters lasting about 60 minutes. Indoor section, a significant part of the dive will be inside a cavern.

Area of strong waves and wind, it can only be done safely on days when conditions are optimal.

Mandatory use of buoy: It is mandatory to enter and exit at the designated entrance to avoid possible problems with motor vehicles and in the event of having to make an emergency ascent in another place, always throw a signaling buoy before ascending to the surface.

Mandatory use of cable cutters or knives: In this area, non-professional fishing with a “gun-forbidden” rod is permitted, so it is necessary to have a line cutter in case of accidental entanglement with a fishing line.


What to see during the dive of the Cave of the Marine Life Dogs?

The cave is a wonder for the lovers of “Coral” Cnidarians, we will be able to observe different species such as: red and yellow gorgonians, giant anemones, yellow encrusting anemone,…..

Other species Stripes are very common, hence the name of the dive. We can find a multitude of species inside and around it.

To be able to enjoy the rays and the yellow encrusting anemones now and in the future It is important that all divers are aware how our presence can affect the marine life of this fantastic diving spot.

Regarding rays, simply not getting too close and avoiding shining directly on them with the lighting we use would be enough to avoid disturbing them as much as possible.

The yellow encrusting anemones that cover some parts of the roof They are not prepared to be exposed to the outside, so if air bubbles form on the ceiling without any space, it will not benefit them at all. Ideally, you should not stop under these parts to avoid the accumulation of bubbles.

To be able to enjoy this environment in a sustainable way It is advisable not to spend the entire dive inside the cave. making routes that always end in the outside areas.

Taking advantage of the fact that the cave is Y-shaped with its three entrances/exits and that the surroundings are very interesting, this will not reduce the quality of the immersion, in fact it will increase it by giving it more variety.

Map and diving spots in Northern sardine

Check the status and webcam of Sardina Bay  by clicking here

Our video of diving in the cave of the chuchos

Because a picture is worth a thousand words on many occasions, we leave you with a Video of this dive in the Cave of the Chuchos in Gran Canaria so cool and fun.

And a little further down, the Photo gallery complete so that you can see in detail everything you can find when diving with us in Gran Canaria.
