Information about the El Rajón diving spot
We tell you the best diving spots in Gran Canaria

Required level for diving in El Rajón in Gran Canaria
Required level advanced for diving in the Rajón.

Access to the diving spot El Rajón
Infantry Dive from a rocky area
Entry suitable for advanced divers with experience in infantry diving and only on days when environmental conditions permit.
Entry at full tide: By the small natural pool in front of the parking lot see location.
Entry at low tide: From the parking lot follow the coastline to the left until you pass a small ledge see location.

Profile from the immersion of El Rajón
Diving with a depth maximum of 24 meters with a duration of about 60 minutes. Part of the dive is done under cover and the current can be a determining factor in the route to follow.
The entry and exit are the most demanding points of the dive, so it is essential to enter and exit exactly where planned.
Mandatory use of cable cutters or knives: In this area, non-professional fishing with a “gun-forbidden” rod is permitted, so it is necessary to have a line cutter in case of accidental entanglement with a fishing line.

What to see during the El Rajón marine life dive?
Diving in the deepest part of the area where it is common to see numerous species of rays and the angel shark.
It is also common see pelagic fish like skipjack tuna, the bicudas “barracudas”…
In the summer season the immersion varies the route to try see the devil blankets which are usually seen in a shallower area.
We cannot fail to mention the enormous Rajón that gives its name to the dive with some Beautiful backlighting and a multitude of cavernous species inside it, for example Canary lobster, giant anemone, duck-billed moray eel,…
Without a doubt, a very varied dive that never disappoints.
Our video El Rajón diving
Because a picture is worth a thousand words on many occasions, we leave you with a Video of this dive in El Rajón in Gran Canaria so cool and fun.
And a little further down, the Photo gallery complete so that you can see in detail everything you can find when diving with us in Gran Canaria.